Identifying with others who share a common faith, vision, and concern for one another? Developing a significant lifelong relationship with other ministers who care like you do? The input of quality and experienced ministry to help make your ministry more effective. An opportunity to collaborate with friends in extending Christ’s Kingdom?
Consider becoming a member of CECMC. . .
We appreciate your interest in exploring the possibly of fellowship with CECMC. This Fellowship represents our response to ministers, churches, and church leaders such as you who have prayed for and longed for a meaningful relationship with others of ‘like precious faith’ to walk with in the journey of life and ministry. We have seen scores of pastors and churches over the years walking alone, having no one to relate to in this way.
CECMC provides an avenue for us to extend the blessings that we have experienced over the years in pastoral ministry, missions, evangelism, and counseling to a broader number of people. We are grateful for the many likeminded leaders and apostolic ministries that are connected to this vision. This cannot be done alone. But if we link our arms together, we can be a great strength to each other. Our hope is that God will unite us together so that we can stand with you, "not that we have dominion over your faith but are fellow workers for your joy’ (II Cor. 1:24).
CECMC is not a denomination. . .
It is a fellowship of ministers and churches that agree they are alike in their most precious faith, character, values, and purpose. Our vision is to affect our world for Jesus Christ through strong local churches that uphold the high moral and ethical values taught in the Bible. For the individual minister and church, CECMC is intended to mean Relationship, Rejuvenation, Re-Education, Resources, Renewal and Realization.
The word ‘body’ (Greek soma) is related to sozo, meaning “to heal, preserve, be made whole”. This clearly shows how our lives are inextricably woven together within the body of Christ, and how our well-being depends on the well-being of others (Romans. 14:7). What affects one part of the body affects the whole. As the apostle Paul demonstrated to the Corinthian church how great the need was for “fathers” in the faith, we today have many teachers but few who function in the spirit and hearts of a father. There is no Christian brother whom we do not need! (I Cor. 12:12,18, 25-27)
The term "Communion". . .
The Biblical meaning of ‘fellowship’ has somehow become less significant today then what it originally meant. Koinonia has become not much more than a loose technical connection with a religious body but without the sustaining grace and strength that such a fellowship could afford. Koinonia means partnership, participation, to communicate, distribution, communion.
When thought of the intimacy (communion) of the Lord’s table and the closeness to Christ it provides, it gives a better understanding of what a fellowship of Christian ministers and churches could afford if it interacted with that same sense of intended closeness. We can see the healing, preservation and wholeness found at the Lord’s table effectively strengthening all who dare fellowship in this manner.
Information on joining. . .
Please write or call the office for an application for individual credential or church affiliation. Feel free to contact the office for any other information. Be sure to indicate the level of credential requested, including sponsoring church, sponsoring pastor and letters of reference.
Communion of Evangelical Christian Ministers and Churches
4045 Calvary Road
West Columbia, SC 29171
Attn. Credentialing Committee
or call (803) 739-6431
Our seal, the Triquetrous, (from a Latin word meaning “three-cornered”) is an ancient symbol for the Trinity. It comprises three inter-woven arcs, distinct yet equal and inseparable, symbolizing that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three distinct yet equal Persons and indivisibly One God.
The Communion of Evangelical Christian Ministers and Churches - 4045 Calvary Road West Columbia, SC 29170 US
Copyright © 2020 The Communion of Evangelical Christian Ministers and Churches - All Rights Reserved.