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The creative Holy Spirit of God moves, hovers, and flutters over the Lord's Table, much as He did over creation (Genesis 1:1-2). There is a specific moment during the Communion service when a commemorative meal becomes alive with God's power and glory.
In this book you will discover riches of glory in Christ that are designed to affect your everyday life, uncover mysteries the early apostolic church experienced that empowered them to work the works of God, and learn divine principles and facts about how certain physical acts, when done correctly, release spiritual dynamics that govern our lives.
Many questions about the Lord's Table are answered and offer clarity for solid expectation of the Table's benefits. Was Eve a type of the church? If so, where does that put the church today? What role does she have in preparation for Christ's coming? Why has unity among churches remained so elusive?
These and many other questions are addressed in this book, and Pastor Belec unveils a key component the church has missed out on for so long that it has, unfortunately, left her weak, anemic, and ineffective in the face of ridicule and mockery. The Lord's Table Revisited is a must-read for believers in search of real faith, real witness, and a real and dynamic relationship with Christ.
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We must come to that place where our personal worth, esteem and significance is FIRST found in God our Creator. Understanding that, we are created in His image and likeness. This reality is fundamental in discovering His all-sufficient grace during the most difficult times of our lives.
Being received and approved by our peers is extremely important, of course, but what upholds us when seemingly forsaken by all? It will be the fact that we matter to Him who is not ashamed to identify Himself as our Brother.
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What keeps the human heart alive and hopeful is the
innate desire to love and be loved. However, the
meaning and definition of love can get lost quickly in
today 's exploitation of sex and self-gratification , and
or, past experiences of pain and sorrow. Dianne and
I have discovered a few secrets that have unlocked
the volt of a truly blissful relationship between us that
we're sure will bless you as you read this book. As
you look at the contents by chapter, you'll be eager to
search out those special keys that open new dimensions
of joy and satisfaction .
Wayne Grant has not looked at his difficult and heartbreaking past as an excuse to be bitter, angry, nor resentful. He has found that God, in all His wisdom, had a plan for his life that began all the way back at his birth. Yes, God's plan has brought him through very turbulent times during his upbringing. Right now, Wayne sees Psalm 71 as a reality in his life. He sees that God preserved him in the hands of the wicked, verse 4; He sees that God sustained him from birth, verse 6; he knows God has taught him from his youth, verse 17; he saw great and severe troubles, but God brought him out of the depths, verse 20; he also realizes that he has become a wonder to many, verse 7; but his greatest life affirmation is that his call, right from the beginning , is to declare God's strength and power to this generation, verse 18.
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