Smaller churches and ministries form the foundation of America's religious landscape.
A study released by Barna Research reported that the typical church in America has an average worship attendance of 89 adults - that a full 60 percent of Protestant churches in our country are attended by 100 or fewer adults in worship.
What would happen if leaders and volunteers in smaller churches all across America agreed to stick together to love each other like family, and to do whatever it takes to deliver the Good News to their boroughs, villages, towns, and cities?
Can you imagine the impact this would have across the country? Can you imagine how many lives would be transformed? How many families kept together? Can you imagine how many schools and school boards, how many towns and city councils could be affected across our nation by Christians and churches that chose to be LIGHT and SALT to their communities? The prospect is staggering and exciting!
This is not to downplay the significance of larger churches. They're here to stay, and they play a vital role in the work of God's kingdom. Still, smaller churches are the majority in America, and they are crucial to the advancement of God's Kingdom on earth.
In every community people need to be a disciple of Christ. They need the fellowship of the saints. They need to be nurtured, loved and encouraged in their Christian faith. From weddings to funerals, from family problems to social concerns, from national crisis to personal victories, people in every community need the ministry of the local church, no matter how small that church or community may be.
The Communion of Evangelical Christian Ministers and Churches - 4045 Calvary Road West Columbia, SC 29170 US
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