Lay Ecclesial Ministry
What Lay Ecclesial Ministry Is
Lay Ecclesial Ministers are virtually “assistants” to the pastoral (clergy) in church life. They are non-ordained people who have undertaken roles in the life of ministry in the church. Some of these roles are to visit the sick and oppressed, comfort those that mourn, teach Bible classes, be involved in community related activities, organized church related activities, and otherwise, assist the pastoral staff in assignments given.
Lay Ministers Qualifications
They should be of at least 18 years of age, able to exhort publicly, read scripture in public, sing (if so gifted), pray in public, do altar ministry, be able to share their faith and live peaceably with all. They should be uniters, peacemakers (Matt. 5: 9), be given to reconciliation, and be consistent in displaying a Christ-like spirit.
Historical and Scriptural basis for Lay Ministry
Apostolic recognition is found in Romans chapter 12: verses 3-8 and particularly verse 15. These verses show they have an ability to identify with others on a spiritual level. Also,
1 Corinthians chapter 12: 4-11 gives us an extended perspective on spiritual gifts that the Holy Spirit has distributed to individuals for the edification of the body.
Requirements for Applicants
Applicants must have a letter of recommendation from their local church pastor and one from a family member. The applicant must complete a Lay Minister Application in full and submit a remittance as indicated.
Discipline of Lay Ministers
Lay ministers fall in the same category of ordained ministers when it comes to disciplinary action and are therefore subject to the same disciplinary measures if required.
Lay Ministry Crentials (pdf)
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