A - Acknowledge the fact that you are a sinner (Romans 3:23); that you are lost in this world without Christ, without God, and without hope. (Ephesians 2:12); that Christ died in your place to provide atonement for your sins and rose again to give you life. Repent (turn your life around) from your old sinful ways and ask Him to cleanse your heart from all wrong and evil (2 Corinthians 5:15 and 1 John 1:9). You will feel right with God.
B - Believe in your heart that He was raised from the dead by the Glory of God; that He lives now and forever for your sake (Romans 6:4); that He has gone to heaven to prepare you a permanent, eternal home, and that He will return soon to take you to be with Him (John 12:1-3). Open your heart's door and ask Him to enter in and to forgive you of your sins. Receive Him as your personal Savior and He will make you one of His own (John 1:12). You see, unless you have the Spirit of Christ living in you, you are not one of His. (Romans 8:9).
C - Confess the Lord Jesus as your Savior with your mouth as a declaration of faith in God for salvation. If you have prayerfully and sincerely done all of this, then according to the Bible, YOU ARE SAVED (Romans 10:9-10)! In prayer, ask Him to give you His Holy Spirit for a witness to your heart that you are His child (1 John 4:13). Rejoice now in the Lord your God and welcome to the family of God.
If you have accepted Christ as your personal Savior as a result of reading these instructions, we'd be interested in knowing about it. A free New Testament is waiting for you to help you get started on your new walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. Give us a call at (803) 739-6431 or contact us through this website. We pray that the blessing of the Lord will be upon you as you seek to please Him in all your ways. We can help you grow in grace and your new found faith.
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